蘇港交流促進會 名譽顧問
麥華章先生自一九七三年畢業於香港大學後,即加入香港《文匯報》,開始記者採訪的工作,很快便晉升爲該報副採訪主任,曾跟隨多位中國領導人如鄧小平、華國鋒、趙紫陽等出訪歐美及東南亞,也曾赴柬埔寨當過戰地記者。不久,他前往巴黎修讀法國記者培訓中心的歐洲經濟共同體課程,旋奉派爲駐英記者及歐洲辦事處經理,負責策劃該報歐航版在倫敦出版。一九八五年,他奉調回港出任該報副總經理。麥先生於一九八七年加入《香港經濟日報》,並爲該報創辦人之一,在他與其合作夥伴的領導下,《香港經濟日報》已成為當今香港首屈一指的財經報章,香港經濟日報集團亦成為業務相當多元化的多媒體傳媒集團,並於二零零五年在香港聯交所主板上市。麥華章先生於一九八八年獲選爲「香港十大傑出青年」。 他現爲香港經濟日報集團董事總經理兼執行董事,及《香港經濟日報》社長。麥先生曾擔任香港報業公會委員及名譽秘書。一九九六年至二零零七年期間,麥先生在香港中文大學新聞與傳播學院教授報業營運課程。除兼任香港工業總會香港優質標誌局委員,及香港管理專業協會所舉辦的 「香港管理專業協會優質管理奬2012」籌委會成員外,麥先生更被香港特區政府委任為香港旅遊發展局成員。
Mr Mak Wah Cheung is a graduate of the University of Hong Kong and began his journalist career as a reporter in Wen Wei Po in 1973. He was soon promoted as deputy news editor of the newspaper. He joined the delegations of a number of PRC leaders such as Deng Xiaoping, Hua Guofeng, Zhao Ziyang to visit Europe, America and Southeast Asia, etc. He has also been to Cambodia as a war correspondent. After taking a journalism course in Paris on the European Economic Community, he was posted in Britain as correspondent in European affairs. Later, he was appointed manager of the paper’s European Office in charge of launching in London the Wen Wei Po European edition. In 1985, he was repatriated to assume the position of deputy general manager of the newspaper. He joined Hong Kong Economic Times (HKET) in 1987 as one of the founders. Under the guidance of Mr. Mak and partners, HKET has become the leading financial newspaper in Hong Kong. HKET Holdings has also developed into a very diversified media group and was listed on the Main Board of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited in 2005. Mr Mak was selected as the awardee of the Ten Outstanding Young Persons Award of Hong Kong in 1988. He is now the Managing Director & Executive Director of HKET Holdings, as well as the Publisher of the newspaper. Mr Mak has acted as council member and Honorary Secretary of The Newspaper Society of Hong Kong. Between 1996 and 2007, Mr Mak conducted lectures on newspaper operation for School of Journalism and Communication, the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Apart from being a committee member of Hong Kong Q-Mark Council, Federation of Hong Kong Industries and serving on the organizing committee of 2012 HKMA Quality Award, Mr Mak is appointed by the HKSAR Government as a member of the Hong Kong Tourism Board.